Monthly challenge: FAQ

Welcome to the FAQ of the monthly challenge. I wanted to cover a few more points that I didn’t mention in the dedicated article about monthly challenges. I hope you will find answers to questions you may have. If not, please contact me and I’ll be happy to guide you.

Note: this challenge is something you should feel good about it. I want to have a relaxed approach to it. There is no pressure, on the contrary! Just be yourself and it’ll be fun 🙂

Let’s now go through the FAQ of the monthly challenge concept together!

Why should you do a challenge?

First of all, I do believe that the initiative should come from you, from within. There is nothing wrong with the way you are right now. This challenge is about self grow. From the action comes the motivation. If you are ready or simply curious to take this journey, welcome on board!

Why should you do it with me and not with someone else?

This question reminds me of those typical interview questions; that’s a good one!

I’ll be honest, I haven’t done any benchmark, so that I don’t know what and how the others do it. I just know myself and have a clear picture of this project in mind: I’ll be there everyday. I will share my “adventures” every day. It will be authentic and genuine. If I “succeed” you’ll know it, if I “fail”, you’ll know it too. And I’ll do my best to not judge myself, because I know I won’t judge others. With me, you can simply be your true self.

Why should I complete the 30 days and do it until the end?

With regards to the whole duration of a monthly challenge, I caught up myself thinking “Well, I’ve done it for 16 days now, that’s ok, I know I can do it.” That was me bargaining with myself. Of course, you can try a new habit for 6, 10 or 21 days, and actually you can really do what you want. But how would you feel when taking part to a course and stopping half-way thinking “Oh well, I ran 5k, I can stop now that’s fine, I know I can run 10k”. How does this sound? The idea of having a goal is to go through several phases and face different situations until you cross the finish line and dig deeper within yourself.

I did a similar challenge in the past and I failed. How can I succeed this time?

This is a really good question that I will answer with more questions: what challenge and goal did you set? What didn’t work out? If you decide to go for the same challenge, what would you do differently to make it work? Take your time to reflect.

Did you make space and time for it or did you rush thinking you had others, more important things to do? Was the goal set realistic and achievable or too high?

Take notes, write everything down, and most importantly, be honest with yourself. Only you can do it. You can learn from any experiences, especially the “bad” ones.

What if I skip several days? Should I stop the challenge?

It can happen and for many reasons. How bad would it be if you miss your challenge a few days? How bad would it be to skip 3 or 4 days out of 30? Should you really stop half-way because of a few days? Is it worth it?

I guess you can see my point. Obstacles will show up on your way, but giving up would be an excuse – to some extend of course, if you broke your ankle I imagine that skipping your daily run is inevitable.

Get back on track as soon as possible and enjoy!

I don’t have time for my challenge

I may have heard it a couple of times, but there are 24 hours within a day. For most of us, we eat, we work and sleep. With the remaining hours, some dedicate their time to their family and/or to their hobby.

If you are short on time, I would suggest that you create a 5 or 10 minutes window – it doesn’t have to be too long, either in the morning or in the evening when you have some control on how you spend your time on your own.

Final words

The key point of this challenge is regularity. Don’t hesitate to start low. Remember, your goal should be reachable. Whether it is for 1, 5 or 20 minutes, the most important is to do it every day, whatever this is. If you have to skip it a few days, that’s all right, but get back to it, don’t give up.

As the aim is to also build a community, feel free to share your experience in the comments or on Instagram. Share, share, share so that others can benefit from it.

Also, if you have any other questions you haven’t found in this FAQ of the monthly challenge, please leave it in the comment section and I’ll be very happy to answer.

Thank you and …

Bisous :*

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